"*" indicates required fields First Name:* Last Name: Best Phone:* Address:* City:* State:* Zip:* Best Email:* Gun ownership is a right guaranteed by the Constitution and the government should not have any restrictions, even on so-called "assault style" weapons and handguns.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree The United States should not go to war to defend Israel.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree A U.S. border wall would be ineffective in halting illegal immigration.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree It is necessary for the federal government to have warrantless surveillance abilities on American citizens to protect national security.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree Minimum wage laws contribute to unemployment.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree No one should be required to pay dues or other fees to a union as a condition of employment.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree A "limited constitutional convention" (also known as an Article V convention or con-con) would be a dangerous experiment, which would put our Constitutional rights in jeopardy.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree There is enough evidence to believe that some elements of the U.S. government were complicit with the 9/11 attacks.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree Direct democratic action by the voters (i.e. “Referendums” or “Voter Initiatives”) is a better way of getting needed policy change than the legislative process.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree Climate change is an undeniable threat that requires expansive government action to curb carbon emissions.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree Marijuana should be legalized or decriminalized for recreational use.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree Marriage should be defined as one man and one woman only.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree States have the right to reject (nullify) unconstitutional federal mandates.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree Confederate monuments should be torn down.* strongly agree generally agree no strong feelings generally disagree strongly disagree Where do you stand on abortion?* Illegal in all cases. Illegal except if the mother’s life is at risk. Illegal except in the case of rape and incest. Illegal except in the case of rape, incest and Health. Unrestricted. Does the federal government have the Constitutional authority to ban abortions?* Yes No Describe briefly the one policy issue that is most important to you and why:*